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If you are experiencing one or more of the following:

Difficulty focusing
“Shiny object” syndrome

Overwhelm (or "analysis paralysis")
Exhaustion (/Burnout)
Urgency and rushing
Multitasking not ending well
Uncertainty (overthinking)
Low self-belief ("impostor syndrome")
Doing the same thing over & over again
Or forcing yourself to work or focus (with "willpower" and/or "discipline")

Then THIS IS THE PLACE to be (find out Why below)

Imagine what you could achieve in a life WITHOUT exhaustion or overwhelm (whilst still accomplishing your goals), where issues like DISTRACTION, and PROCRASTINATION are simply... GONE.

WITHOUT making sacrifices or forcing yourself with willpower and discipline





What's offered here is the fastest, least effort, minimum knowledge/training required (for the 21st century) to channel your focus without forcing yourself or burning out.

Today's world is hectic - there are a million more demands on us (and our brains) than compared to 100 years ago. 

And it's getting worse with even more online platforms to pay attention to, more people on them, and the rise of AI. 

Focus is a "must have" skill for surviving life in the 21st century.

WHY ME (Anthony Palacin)? Why not elsewhere or another page?

Two reasons.

1) I've developed the most time-, effort-, and cost- effective programme to train effortless focus on the market. 
It's strictly the "essentials" buried in neuroscience research papers, applied to your life.

2) I don't expect you to trust me from the get go - I expect to earn your trust, by providing value. If you step into my world, I'll prove it.

I've helped several dozen clients overcome the issues listed above who can testify to the quality of my work, if you want to check that out.


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NB: the Flow Research Collective is a California based World Leading peak performance training institute having trained executives from the likes of Google as well as high performers like the U.S. Navy SEALS. Steven Kotler is a life-long researcher of peak performance and Flow States and has written at least 14 books, including 11 bestsellers and 4 New York Times bestsellers.

End exhaustion and overwhelm, reclaim your precious time back for friends, family, & fun in the fastest and minimum effort way

 (without making sacrifices or "forcing yourself" with willpower)
Thanks to the Focus & Flow Formula based on neuroscience

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