Simple as choosing
It's as simple as choosing.
Simple as choosing the next song.
Simple as choosing what to eat.
Simple as choosing what to wear.
In life, you always have a choice.
You don't need a house, if you choose Nature to be your Home. You don't need to subscribe by societal standards or whatever the majority is doing.
You don't need to do work you hate for the rest of your life so that one day, maybe, you'll land into a life you don't hate. Will you?
What if life is the work? What if, no matter what we choose, there is always an equal and opposite feedback from life, Nature, or the Universe to guide you back Home?
For every act of avoidance or escapism you do, there is a build up of energy from the very thing that is being avoided or escaped.
Whether you let that energy build up get to a point in your life where it manifests as chaos or whether you address it before the chaos is a matter of choice.
Turn towards, or turn away? It's as simple as choosing.
For every procrastination there is a part that is curious about all the things being explored in the procrastination itself, while at the same time, another part which is waving it's finger in chastisement.
Which do you love more? It's as simple as choosing.
It's all part of the work of life.
Whether you choose to go deeper into understanding yourself, Nature, and the Universe... or whether you choose to escape and avoid.
It's as simple as choosing.
Life is choosing.
Choosing what to move towards, and choosing what to move away from.
Because in every choice, there is rejection.
Choosing any one thing, automatically means, by definition, rejecting everything else that could have been possible.
The challenge, in the 21st century, is choosing what to pay attention to.
In the age of AI, we are beyond "industrial", beyond "informational", we are in a new age.
One where technology has allowed our consciousness to choose to tune into any one of a billion different universes and experiences at any one time.
Whether it be following a Facebook friend's stories, or another one's Instagram posts, or diving into a show on Netflix...
Paying attention.
But it doesn't have to be.
Because life is as simple as choosing.
Choosing whether to be inside the house or outside the house.
The Universe will still "be", the Earth will still be spinning around the Sun, the friends will still be posting on the internet...
But they are two totally different experiences.
Just like tuning in to the noise and being a victim to the dopamine-driven feedback loops companies have engineered to capture your attention.
Or tuning it out, by learning how to master your own neurochemistry, take back control of your attention, and artfully tune it to a frequency that will catapult your life forward.
It's as simple as choosing.
I didn't choose to have a Psychosis. That experience came to me.
Just like one does not choose one's birth, some things just happen, as a consequence of the Universe unfolding itself in mysterious and magical ways.
But what I did choose was to investigate what that meant, means, and will mean for the future.
And that choice impacts not just me but also you. Not just in the past, but right here, right now, and tomorrow.
Yes, some things cannot be chosen. They just are.
Existence... existing.
Children... growing.
Hearts... beating.
For everything else in life, there is a grey area in which your consciousness can operate, one where... you are always choosing.
Will you tune into the deep work that you must do?
Or will you find yourself scrolling, or checking emails or WhatsApp, once again?
Will you go deeper into understanding yourself?
Or will you go deeper into escaping?
If your desire is not to escape, but rather to embrace Reality for all that it is, and thus understand yourself to the deepest depths you possibly can...
If your desire is to get to the answers, the real, felt answers, in the body, with resounding knowing of absolute certainty...
If your desire is to not just dream your dreams but actually to live them in real life...
… the fastest way to get there is to start with "flow".
And that's as simple of a choice as what to movie to watch this weekend on Netflix.
For every day that you choose not to tune in to the frequency of flow, every day there is a little bit of "wasted" energy compared to your what "would have been" your highest potential.
The more you choose to ignore it, the more that energy builds up.
The more time you ended up wasting in activities that led to no end.
The more time you wasted operating at low energy levels, with low energy people, doing low energy things.
The more time you wasted before building a life of freedom & fulfilment.
It's all a choice.
If your choice is to reach your highest potential, then start with reaching your highest performance, and keep growing it.
Keep growing it and growing it.
The dreams you will live, the life you will build, and the freedom & fulfilment you will find will be unparalleled.
And it all starts with a choice.
Just like what you physically put in to your body...
...With just as much control and importance is what you put in to your mental, spiritual, and energetic bodies.
For the greatest of clarity, at the fastest of speeds, and in the least amount of energy...
Start with flow.
It's as simple as choosing.
Lovingly yours,